PedaL Coordination


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This function is at two levels, at partner institutions Pedal is managed by the University PedaL Implementation Teams. At programme-wide level, the role will be performed by PASGR, the lead partner.

Lead Partner
PedaL project brings together eight institutional partners with PASGR as the lead partner providing oversight for project implementation and direction. PASGR is responsible for the proper management of all individual Sub-Grant Agreements with individual Partners. Specifically, PASGR works collaboratively with the 7 partners to:

  • Set a common vision, develop and operationalize an implementation plan
  • Facilitate access to technical guidance and expertise as well as international knowledge networks and relevant expertise
  • Provide leadership in problem identification, problem solving and the development of consensus on programme and course design and implementation issues
  • Ensure that the project is implemented within the given timeframe and quality PedaL outputs are achieved with good Value for Money.
  • Design and implement Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning systems
  • Communicate PedaL information and outcomes effectively with all partners, the SPHEIR team and other stakeholders;
  • To support the mobilization of funds and coordinate resourcing for the common good of the programme Mobilize additional resources for scaling up PedaL.
  • Work with participating universities to develop a long-term financing and coordination model to ensure sustainability of the programme.

Role of Implementing Partner Universities
Broadly, the five implementing PedaL partner universities fulfil the following roles:

  • Undertake baseline surveys to establish pedagogical needs of teaching staff of graduate social science programmes to inform the design of PedaL;
  • Develop an implementation strategy and create structures that oversee the implementation and resourcing of the three PedaL work streams consistent with programme goals;
  • Provide teaching staff the facilities and administrative apparatus to support day-to-day operational delivery of PedaL programmes
  • Obtain necessary accreditation of PedaL training programme within the time frames agreed;
  • Ensure capacity building and knowledge transfer through the delivery of the Pedal programme;
  • Support Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning processes in PedaL and ensure that work streams contribute as set out in MEL while observing the agreed reporting requirements;
  • Share information on PedaL and undertake timely reporting to the Steering Committee on the progress of their work streams and any issues or problems that may arise.