PASGR offices closed for the holidays
18 December - 2 January, 2020
As we approach the end of the year 2019, we wish to once again sincerely thank you for all the support you have accorded us.
We also take this opportunity to let you know that our offices shall remain closed from December 18, 2019 up to 2 January 2020.
Finally, we wish you and all your loved ones Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2020.
Recent Events
- Developing Capacity for Teaching Excellence: Lessons from Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL)
- PedaL Online: Closing Ceremony & Optional Practicum Session
- PedaL Online: Live Session 4 (Innovative Assessment)
- PedaL Online: Live Session 3 (Facilitation -Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: Live Session 2 (Facilitation Tools and Strategies)
- PedaL Online PASGR-Tangaza Edition Course Design
- PedaL Online PASGR-Tangaza Edition Opening Ceremony
- PedaL Online: DPP &MRPP Innovative Assessment Live
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Micro-Teaching Live Session
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Facilitation Session Plan
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Course Design Live Session
- PedaL Online: DPP and MRPP Opening Ceremony and Orientation
- PedaL Online: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: Innovative Assessment Live( Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Facilitation (Micro-Teaching) Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Facilitation (Tools & Strategies) Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Course Design Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online: Opening Ceremony & Orientation (Egerton University, Moi University & ESSRAK)
- PedaL Online: Osun State University Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: UNIOSUN Course Assessment
- MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Assessment & Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC & UNIJOS Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC & UNIJOS Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: UNIOSUN Course Facilitation
- MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC and UNIJOS- Facilitation Strategies and Tools
- PedaL Online Osun State University: Course Design Live Session
- 2nd Annual Convening of PedaL Communities of Practice
- PedaL Online Opening Ceremony: Osun State University
- PedaL Online MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Course Design Live Session
- Maasai Mara University, Turkana University College and University of Jos PedaL Training Opening Ceremony
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Closing Ceremony
- The University of Nairobi Closing Ceremony
- The University of Nairobi PedaL Assessment Live Session
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology PedaL Assessment Live Session
- University of Nairobi PedaL Online 2: Micro-teaching Live Session
- Masinde Muliro University PedaL Online Micro-teaching Live Session
- Annual Convening of PedaL Communities of Practice
- Joint University of Nairobi and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Plans Live Session
- The Joint University of Nairobi and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Design Live Session
- Maseno University Assessment Live Session
- University of Nairobi PedaL Training 2
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology PedaL Training
- Tangaza University College Closing Ceremony
- Maseno University Micro-teaching Live Session
- Tangaza University College Assessment Live Session
- Maseno University Plans Live Session
- University of Nairobi Assessment Live Session
- Tangaza University College Micro-teaching Live Session
- University of Nairobi Microteaching Live Session
- Tangaza Plans Live Session
- University of Nairobi Plans Live Session
- Maseno University Design Live Session
- Tangaza University College Design Live Session
- University of Nairobi Design Live Session
- Maseno University PedaL Training
- Tangaza University College PedaL Training
- University of Nairobi PedaL Training
- PedaL Online 5.0
- University of Dar es Salaam Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL) Cascade Training
- PASGR offices closed for the holidays
- Moi University PedaL Training
- Egerton University PedaL Cascade Workshop
- Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL)/ African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA)
- SPHEIR Inter-Partnership Impact Enhancement
- PedaL Ghana Hub Training
- Annual Convening on Pedagogy
- Cascade Training University of Ibadan
- UMU, UCU, Gulu University Cascade workshop