Tangaza Plans Live Session
20 May - 20 May, 2021
Recent Events
- Developing Capacity for Teaching Excellence: Lessons from Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL)
- PedaL Online: Closing Ceremony & Optional Practicum Session
- PedaL Online: Live Session 4 (Innovative Assessment)
- PedaL Online: Live Session 3 (Facilitation -Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: Live Session 2 (Facilitation Tools and Strategies)
- PedaL Online PASGR-Tangaza Edition Course Design
- PedaL Online PASGR-Tangaza Edition Opening Ceremony
- PedaL Online: DPP &MRPP Innovative Assessment Live
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Micro-Teaching Live Session
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Facilitation Session Plan
- PedaL Online: DPP & MRPP Course Design Live Session
- PedaL Online: DPP and MRPP Opening Ceremony and Orientation
- PedaL Online: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: Innovative Assessment Live( Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Facilitation (Micro-Teaching) Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Facilitation (Tools & Strategies) Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online – Course Design Live Session: Egerton, Moi & ESSRAK
- PedaL Online: Opening Ceremony & Orientation (Egerton University, Moi University & ESSRAK)
- PedaL Online: Osun State University Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: UNIOSUN Course Assessment
- MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Assessment & Closing Ceremony
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC & UNIJOS Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC & UNIJOS Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: UNIOSUN Course Facilitation
- MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Facilitation (Micro-Teaching)
- PedaL Online: MMU, TUC and UNIJOS- Facilitation Strategies and Tools
- PedaL Online Osun State University: Course Design Live Session
- 2nd Annual Convening of PedaL Communities of Practice
- PedaL Online Opening Ceremony: Osun State University
- PedaL Online MMU, TUC & UNIJOS: Course Design Live Session
- Maasai Mara University, Turkana University College and University of Jos PedaL Training Opening Ceremony
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Closing Ceremony
- The University of Nairobi Closing Ceremony
- The University of Nairobi PedaL Assessment Live Session
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology PedaL Assessment Live Session
- University of Nairobi PedaL Online 2: Micro-teaching Live Session
- Masinde Muliro University PedaL Online Micro-teaching Live Session
- Annual Convening of PedaL Communities of Practice
- Joint University of Nairobi and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Plans Live Session
- The Joint University of Nairobi and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Design Live Session
- Maseno University Assessment Live Session
- University of Nairobi PedaL Training 2
- Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology PedaL Training
- Tangaza University College Closing Ceremony
- Maseno University Micro-teaching Live Session
- Tangaza University College Assessment Live Session
- Maseno University Plans Live Session
- University of Nairobi Assessment Live Session
- Tangaza University College Micro-teaching Live Session
- University of Nairobi Microteaching Live Session
- Tangaza Plans Live Session
- University of Nairobi Plans Live Session
- Maseno University Design Live Session
- Tangaza University College Design Live Session
- University of Nairobi Design Live Session
- Maseno University PedaL Training
- Tangaza University College PedaL Training
- University of Nairobi PedaL Training
- PedaL Online 5.0
- University of Dar es Salaam Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL) Cascade Training
- PASGR offices closed for the holidays
- Moi University PedaL Training
- Egerton University PedaL Cascade Workshop
- Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL)/ African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA)
- SPHEIR Inter-Partnership Impact Enhancement
- PedaL Ghana Hub Training
- Annual Convening on Pedagogy
- Cascade Training University of Ibadan
- UMU, UCU, Gulu University Cascade workshop